The following are the businesses included in the latest version of the NGF GOLF 100, an effort to highlight the vitality, size and diversity of a $102 billion-a-year industry. This is an alphabetical list, not a ranking, of companies and brands that deliver products and services primarily targeted to commercial golf and conduct all or a majority of their business within the U.S. Find an issue with a company profile? Whether it’s information, staffing or logo that needs to be updated, please contact our editorial director, Erik Matuszewski, at
Turf & Course Suppliers
For consumers, the turf and course supplies category might not have the most well-known companies among the Top 100 Businesses in Golf, with the possible exception of golf car manufacturers. But the big brands in this business-to-business sector help golf courses look their best, operate efficiently and keep customers (i.e. golfers) happy by improving the most important product in the green-grass game: the golf course.
Designates NGF Executive Member
Designates standard NGF membership
About BASF Corporation
BASF's products are utilized by golf course superintendents around the world to optimize course conditions. The company offers a host of solutions to combat disease, weed, and insect control – particularly with the fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides that are used to maintain any course’s conditions across all climate zones.
About Corteva Agriscience
Corteva Agriscience has established itself as a leading provider of specialized turf management solutions for the golf industry, offering a comprehensive portfolio of herbicides, insecticides, and plant protection products designed specifically for golf course maintenance and optimization.