Top 100 Businesses in Golf 2025

The following are the businesses included in the latest version of the NGF GOLF 100, an effort to highlight the vitality, size and diversity of a $102 billion-a-year industry. This is an alphabetical list, not a ranking, of companies and brands that deliver products and services primarily targeted to commercial golf and conduct all or a majority of their business within the U.S. Find an issue with a company profile? Whether it’s information, staffing or logo that needs to be updated, please contact our editorial director, Erik Matuszewski, at


The golf landscape is diverse indeed, necessitating a catch-all miscellaneous category for those businesses that don’t necessarily fall into a specific bucket. In some respects, they’ve created a niche of their own or have a commanding presence in a very specific sector of the golf industry.

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About PrideSports
PrideSports is the world leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of wooden golf tees, plastic cleats, and cleat insert systems for the golf industry.
About Ship Sticks
Ship Sticks has been transporting golf bags and minimizing travel headaches for golfers since 2011, creating a niche while establishing itself as a notable innovator within the industry. 
About Wadsworth Golf Construction Company
Wadsworth Golf Construction Company is an industry leader, having built over 750 golf courses in 44 states over the past six decades while restoring or renovating hundreds more.