The following are the businesses included in the latest version of the NGF GOLF 100, an effort to highlight the vitality, size and diversity of a $102 billion-a-year industry. This is an alphabetical list, not a ranking, of companies and brands that deliver products and services primarily targeted to commercial golf and conduct all or a majority of their business within the U.S. Find an issue with a company profile? Whether it’s information, staffing or logo that needs to be updated, please contact our editorial director, Erik Matuszewski, at
Media & Technology
The range of products, technology and software in this category is geared toward helping recreational golfers play better and improve their experience, engage with the game in new and deepening levels on- and off the course, and to aid operators in running their facilities, pro shops and tee sheets with greater efficiency. Also featured here are golf media brands that showcase the game and business of golf broadly across a wide variety of content platforms.
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