3-Minute Business Insights
Golf has remarkable geographic spread, with at least one course in 83% of countries and territories worldwide. In fact, there are more golf courses globally than Starbucks locations.
Topics: Closures, Construction, Development, Facilities, Facility Supply
There have been only two sustained periods of golf course supply contraction in the United States. They've ended in two very different ways.
Topics: Closures, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities
Which states have the most golf supply? Which have the most public courses? Which have the most golfers per public course and, generally, see stronger demand and tee time competition?
Topics: Engagement, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities
State-by-State Golf Reports Available
One-page state level overviews on supply and demand, rounds played and more

NGF Member Exclusive: state-level snapshots of golfers, golf courses, rounds played, price point, facility types and the estimated economic impact of the golf business.
Topics: Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities, States
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Is New Course Construction Picking Up?

With increases in golf participation, play and popularity in recent years, one of the questions we've gotten recently is whether there’s been a rise in new U.S. course construction since the onset of the pandemic.
Topics: Construction, Development, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses

Tracking New Golf Course Development

Among the U.S. golf courses in construction or in-planning, almost one-third of the projects are located in two states. But as history shows, not every project in golf's developmental pipeline opens for play.
Topics: Construction, Development, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses

An Inside Look at the Golf Management Space
The evolution and growth of MCOs in the U.S. golf market

Topics: Course Owners, Facilities, Facility Operations, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities

Net Changes in U.S. Facility Supply

Topics: Closures, Executive, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses

A Longer Look at Short Course Supply
While new Par 3 courses grab attention, has overall supply been increasing?

Short courses have accounted for over 1/4 of new course development over the past decade – a number of highly-visible examples at resort properties – despite accounting for 10% of overall supply.
Topics: Engagement, Executive, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses

Is Golf Coming Up Short?

Are we really in the midst of a short course movement in golf? Yes. And no...
Topics: Closures, Economy, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses

Highest Proportion of Private Golf by State

Topics: Facilities, Golf Courses, Research, Supply, Vault