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Special Reports

NGF’s reports and publications are free to members, providing data and intel to make better-informed decisions. Browse our catalog, from annual reports on participation and golf course supply to more focused reports on key golfer segments and business categories.

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2020 Golf Industry Report

Golf Industry Report

The Golf Industry Report compiles many of the…

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Rounds Played Summary

The National Rounds Played Summary provides an overview…

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Golf Instruction Report

An inside look at the $1 billion golf…

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Off-Course Golf Specialty Retail

NGF’s annual update on off-course golf retail store…

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Summary of Golf Participation in the U.S.

This one-page summary of consumer engagement in golf…

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Golf Participation in the U.S.

The NGF has surveyed Americans regarding golf participation…

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Summary of Golf Facilities in the U.S.

This one-page summary includes a look at golf…

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Golf Facilities in the U.S.

This comprehensive report provides an overview of golf…

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NGF Reads

Better Understanding Municipal Golf

By National Golf Foundation | June 13, 2019

There’s often surprise expressed by journalists, politicians and the general public that a municipal golf course, or system of courses, might actually “lose” money for a government entity. But making money isn’t the primary motivation that drives a municipality to offer golf as recreation for its residents. Still, the reality is that the majority – about 67 percent — of public-agency golf courses and facilities report making enough revenue to cover all on-site operating expenses.

The Good and Bad of Strong Latent Demand

By Ted Eleftheriou | May 13, 2019

Latent demand is a measure of “non-golfers” who say they’re interested in playing golf — a number that’s risen to 14.7 million. But how many have some previous experience versus none at all? And how can the industry bring back those who have played before and welcome more beginners?

Facilities vs Courses: What’s the Difference?

By National Golf Foundation | May 13, 2019

The terms “facility” and “course” are occasionally used interchangeably both in and out of the golf industry, but they can be quite different. Throughout the years, many media outlets have taken the NGF’s total number for facilities and conflated that with courses even though these two counts are more than 2,000 apart. Why are there two different measures?

NGF Research Snapshot: Golf in Schools

By National Golf Foundation | March 13, 2019

Research shows introducing kids to golf at an early age positively influences their perceptions about golf and generates interest in the game. Here’s a look at how many kids have been exposed to golf in school programs.

One Hole at a Time

By Ted Eleftheriou | February 12, 2019

One of the oft-repeated problems affecting participation is the time it takes to play. A number of companies have introduced systems that allow golfers to pay by the hole. It’s a way for golfers to potentially squeeze in some golf when they have a window. For facilities, it’s a chance to boost incremental revenue. So, are these “solutions” gaining traction?

R&A’s Golf Around the World Report

By National Golf Foundation | February 11, 2019

There are almost 39,000 golf courses worldwide, with a global reach into 209 of the world’s 249 countries, according to the “Golf Around the World” report published by the R&A and based on NGF research.

Inside an $11 Million Maui Makeover

By Erik Matuszewski | January 15, 2019

Maui’s Plantation Course is shutting down for a nine-month renovation in February. In the short term, the Kapalua Resort will lose out on almost 30,000 rounds, approximately $8 million in playing fees and even more in retail and food & beverage revenue. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the decision-making process at one of the flagship public facilities in the Troon Golf portfolio.

New Golf Courses for 2019

By Mike Buteau | January 8, 2019

A new year is a time for optimism and to look forward to what’s to come in the months ahead. The NGF’s facility database shows at least 18 U.S. facilities are scheduled to open either 9- or 18-hole courses this year. Here are some of the notable openings scheduled for 2019.

NGF Research Snapshot: How Welcoming is Golf to Women?

By National Golf Foundation | November 14, 2018

Women make up just over half the U.S. population, but 24% of golfers. See our visual snapshot on how welcoming golfers consider the game to be toward women:

Driving Revenues with New Approaches

By Ed Getherall | November 13, 2018

With the success of Topgolf and the increasing consumption of golf in non-traditional formats, many golf course operators are seeking ways to re-create the atmosphere and excitement that these off-course venues provide. Here’s a closer look inside one example that’s engaging more customers while beefing up the bottom line.
