3-Minute Business Insights

Short Game

Golf Travel 'Ready to Take Off?'
Indications are that the overall travel industry has hit an inflection point and is primed for a big summer. So what about golf travel, a $20 billion business in the U.S.?
Topics: Destinations, Economy, Facilities, Golf Courses, Golf Resorts
Golf Travel 'Ready to Take Off?'
Is Golf Coming Up Short?
Are we really in the midst of a short course movement in golf? Yes. And no...
Topics: Closures, Economy, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses
Is Golf Coming Up Short?
A Boom in Beginners
Over the past two years, as the coronavirus pandemic has gripped the U.S., the number of beginning golfers has been higher than it was back when Tiger Woods was at his most dominant.
Topics: Beginners, Demand, Engagement, Golfers, Grow The Game
A Boom in Beginners
A Special Message...
Going forward, when Fortnight is delivered to our readership every other Thursday, they’ll be directed to click through to our website to read the complete message (it’s free as always).
Topics: General Interest, NGF, Reports, Research
A Special Message...
The Fight for Municipal Golf
A few high-profile fights for the preservation of municipal golf courses have led some to believe that Muni golf is facing an existential threat. It isn’t. Well, at least in 49 out of 50 states it isn’t.
Topics: Facilities, Facility Supply, General Interest, Golf Courses, Golfers
The Fight for Municipal Golf
Inertia - Where is it taking golf?
Rounds of golf in 2020 were almost unthinkably high – the industry erased 20 years of decline in about six months. Naturally, we all wondered how 2021 would go. Would demand maintain, or regress as people presumably fell back into old routines? Emphatically, it was the former.
Topics: Facilities, Golf Courses, Golfers, Participation, Research
Inertia - Where is it taking golf?
Big Shift for Course Closures in 2021
Over the past year or so we’ve talked about the improving supply/demand balance for golf in the U.S. There are indications of this move toward equilibrium in the year-end 2021 data, including a slight increase in not one, but two facility types.
Topics: Facilities, Facility Operations, Facility Supply, Golf Courses, Municipal Golf
Big Shift for Course Closures in 2021
Participation and Engagement Rise Again
Heading into year three of Covid-19, the virus seemingly continues to benefit golf even while hampering parts of the economy and frustrating millions ready to be ‘done’ with it. Here's what golf participation looked like for 2021 from a high level.
Topics: Beginners, Economy, Engagement, Golf Courses, Golfers
Participation and Engagement Rise Again
Looking Back at 2021... Looking Forward to 2022
After a 2021 that was special for golf, 2022 brings more opportunity. Among the exciting news from NGF: a newly redesigned website filled with new content.
Topics: Engagement, Facility Operations, Golf Courses, Golfers, Grow The Game
Looking Back at 2021... Looking Forward to 2022
We Did It... We Will Beat Last Year's Rounds
Coming into the year, only the most optimistic thought the industry could beat 2020 rounds. Here's how 2021 play shaped up.
Topics: Engagement, Facilities, Facility Operations, Golf Facilities, Participation
We Did It... We Will Beat Last Year's Rounds
Santa Is On the First Tee
Consumer surveys indicate that gift-giving for all things golf – including equipment, apparel and accessories -- is projected to remain strong this holiday season, even as manufacturers and retailers wrestle with production, inventory and shipping challenges.
Topics: Consumer Spending, Economy, Engagement, Research
Santa Is On the First Tee
Where Are All the Introductory Golf Programs for Adults?
Golf has had a record number of beginners each of the past two years, with the vast majority of newcomers being adults. And yet, when one thinks of beginner golf programs, the tendency is to focus on junior initiatives. So where are all the adult-specific introductory efforts?
Topics: Beginners, Engagement, Golfers, Grow The Game, Instruction
Where Are All the Introductory Golf Programs for Adults?

Learn from NGF Members

Golf as Life
Let me introduce myself—I’m Mike Klemme. You may not recognize my name, but if you’ve ever flipped through a golf magazine, visited a course, or…
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Ship Sticks
Whether you’re the head planner of your upcoming buddies golf trip or simply along for the ride, we’ve gathered a few easy ways to keep…
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Amanda Fontaine
Raking bunkers on a golf course was literally child’s play for Amanda Fontaine. Today, it’s part of her job as IGM’s Golf Course Superintendent at…
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