3-Minute Business Insights
Short Game
There have been only two sustained periods of golf course supply contraction in the United States. They've ended in two very different ways.
Topics: Closures, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities
When it comes to online search activity and golf, the first week of April is indeed a time unlike any other. Thank The Masters Tournament (and the unofficial start of the golf season).
Topics: Consumer Spending, Economy, Engagement, General Interest, Golfers
Which states have the most golf supply? Which have the most public courses? Which have the most golfers per public course and, generally, see stronger demand and tee time competition?
Topics: Engagement, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities
The annual tally of golf course closures in the U.S. dropped again last year. Which raises the question: Has supply and demand finally returned to a reasonably balanced state?
Topics: Facilities, Facility Supply, General Interest, Golf Courses, Research
As participation levels have increased in recent years, this particular segment has seen a 36% increase in on-course golfers since the start of the pandemic.
Topics: Engagement, General Interest, Golfers, Grow The Game, Junior Golf
Rounds of golf played nationally in 2022 didn't measure up to the record-setting totals of 2021. Weather played a role in the downturn, especially in the shoulder months of this past year.
Topics: Facilities, Golf Courses, Golf Facilities, Participation, Research
Traditional, on-course golf participation in the U.S. was up again in 2022, and off-course gains were even more significant.
Topics: Engagement, General Interest, Golfers, Participation
A number of years back, we introduced the NGF Top 100 Businesses in Golf to recognize the most influential, successful, prominent and innovative companies on the commercial side of golf. Now we’ve released the latest version of this unique list.
Topics: Consumer Spending, Economy, General Interest, Golf 100, Grow The Game
Questions lingered throughout the year when it came to rounds: Would demand dip? Would golf’s Covid dividends begin to wane? As 2022 winds down, here's how national play is stacking up.
Topics: Facilities, Facility Operations, Golf Courses, Participation, Research
With increases in golf participation, play and popularity in recent years, one of the questions we've gotten recently is whether there’s been a rise in new U.S. course construction since the onset of the pandemic.
Topics: Construction, Development, Facilities, Facility Supply, Golf Courses
We asked golfers what they’re most thankful for when it comes to the traditional game and the results reveal its widespread and generation-spanning appeal. But what is particularly interesting is the differentiation in responses among age groups.
Topics: Engagement, Golfer Surveys, Golfers, Participation, Reasons To Play Golf
Golf is in a better place than before the pandemic. But just how good? Here's what golf business leaders and facility operators told us.
Topics: Economy, Facilities, Facility Operations, Golf Courses, Management