NGF Releases 2018 Golf Participation and Facility Reports
The National Golf Foundation strives to create a smarter, more-energized golf business. It’s why NGF members are supplied with the latest objective and reliable industry data.
In addition to the new Golf Industry Report, which was released last month, the 2018 editions of Golf Participation in the U.S. and Golf Facilities in the U.S. are now available for download at The reports are free for NGF members.
Golf Participation in the U.S. – 2018 Edition
2018 Golf Participation Report
While the total number of traditional golfers held steady at 23.8 million in 2016 and 2017, the latest participation report shows the number of beginners and the number of people interested in taking up the game have reached record highs. The report includes an updated measure of off-course participation, which quantifies the number of individuals who didn’t play golf on a course during the survey year but played at a driving range, indoor golf simulator or golf entertainment venue like Topgolf. Also in the 2018 report:
- U.S. regional profiles that include participation rates, number of golfers, average annual rounds played and total annual rounds played
- Trend and demographic data for specific segments such as women, juniors and beginners
- Golfer data by golf engagement segment (Passionate, Committed, Non-committed)
- Demographic data for the U.S. golfer population (gender, age, household income, education level)
- Top 10 states and metro areas ranked by number of golfers
(Click here to download report)
Golf Facilities in the U.S. – 2018 Edition
Golf Facilities in the U.S.
There was a 1.5% contraction in the number of U.S. golf facilities in 2017, as the golf course market continued to undergo a necessary correction.
While permanent closures outweighed new openings in a balancing of supply and demand, major renovation projects again drove investment in the U.S. golf course market.
This year’s facility report features 18 data tables related to year-end 2017 U.S. golf course development and total supply. Among them:
- Total supply by golf course size (number of holes), type, and length
- Golf course openings & closings
- Golf course development projects
- State and regional accessibility (population per 18 holes)
- Accessibility by Metropolitan Statistical Area
(Click here to download report)
Golf Industry Report – 2018 Edition
Golf Industry Report
This report, released in May, consolidates many of the game’s key data points into a single publication.
The report includes the latest NGF top-line data on golf participation, engagement, rounds-played, golf course supply and development, retail supply, golf equipment sales, and golf’s reach.
(Click here to download the report.)
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