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January 2022 National Rounds Played Report

Click image to download 3-page PDF of January national rounds-played report


Rounds of golf nationwide dropped 12% in January of 2022 compared to the year prior, with play down in seven of the eight geographic regions tracked by Golf Datatech.

The decline comes after January rounds were up 21% in 2021 (vs 2020). The year prior, before the pandemic hit, the golf year actually got off to a strong start as well, with an 11% increase for January 2020 rounds compared to 2019. So, it’s important to consider that this year’s dip comes after relatively strong January play each of the past two years.

There also greater inconsistency when comparing yearly results for an off-season month like January, given that weather and seasonality can have such a significant impact.

Along with December, January typically is one of the lowest volume months for play, typically accounting for less than 5% of annual rounds.


For an archive of monthly rounds reports, click here

NGF members can access the 2021 National Rounds Played Report here

National Golf Foundation
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