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April 2019

National Golf Day Set for May 1

Industry leaders bring story of golf’s impact to Congressional members during 12th annual National Golf Day on May 1.

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NGF’s 2019 Golf Industry Report Overview

The NGF’s annual Golf Industry Report consolidates many of the game’s key metrics, from participation to course supply, providing a holistic view of golf’s health and vitality.

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Golf Uses Less Water Than You Think

What percentage of water used for irrigation in the U.S. goes to golf courses? The answer might surprise.
Here’s what the golf industry has done to further reduce golf’s water usage, increase efficiency and incorporate innovative technologies.

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NGF Research Snapshot: Streaming Golf

Golf has considerable reach — with 107.5 million Americans (more than one-third of the U.S. population) either playing, watching or reading about the game. The number of people watching streaming coverage of golf tournaments continues to increase.

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Judy Rankin Receives 2019 Graffis Award

Judy Rankin is honored as 2019 recipient of the NGF’s Graffis Award for outstanding contributions to the game and business of golf.

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