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How’s It Going?

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Everyone knows golf is in a better place than before the pandemic. But just how good?

Recently, we reached out to golf businesses to find out.

In a September survey of public and private golf facilities, we saw the best self-assessments in 13 years, and a dramatic rise since 2020 in the proportion of facilities reporting to be in good or excellent financial health. (See Figure 1)

Two-thirds of public courses rated their overall financial health as 8 to 10 on a scale of 0 to 10, while private clubs posted even better scores with 80% giving themselves the same rating of 8 to 10.


In October, we switched audiences and sent a similar survey to the leadership of the NGFโ€™s Top 100 golf businesses. These include the biggest and most influential companies across the entire industry.

When asked to consider all aspects of their companyโ€™s financial health โ€“ revenues, working capital, labor, etc. — almost 80% of the executives surveyed landed on the upper end of the spectrum. (8, 9 or 10 on a scale of 1-to-10). This compares to only 40% who cited that level of financial health prior to 2020 (and the onset of golfโ€™s Covid-induced resurgence).


Further, three-quarters of golf leaders indicate they are optimistic or very optimistic about their companyโ€™s future outlook โ€“ a confidence level higher than that seen more broadly among CEOs in a recent Deloitte survey. More complete survey results can be found here in this related Spotlight story.

How would you rate your businessโ€™s overall financial health?

If youโ€™d like to let us know, please take the one-question survey below and weโ€™ll report back in a future issue of Fortnight.

Thanks for reading.


How would you rate your businessโ€™s overall financial health?
How would you rate your businessโ€™s overall financial health?
Joseph Beditz
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