Rounds of golf in July 2022 were up 2.5% compared to the same period a year ago, marking the second straight year-over-year increase for a peak-season month.
June and July are typically the two highest-volume months for play at U.S. golf courses. June rounds were also up about 3% compared to 2021, with that uptick ending a three-month run of YOY declines in national play.
Entering August, 2022 rounds are trailing last year’s record pace by 4%, but are still trending well ahead of recent pre-Covid years. It’s important to note that this year’s rounds numbers are being compared to 2021, when there were more rounds of golf played in the U.S. than any other year in history.
This July, the biggest YOY gains were seen in the well-supplied Northeastern parts of the country, in part thanks to less precipitation and warmer weather than a year ago. In the Mid Atlantic Region, comprised of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania (and more than 1,850 golf courses), rounds saw a 9.6% increase as the average temperature was over 2 degrees warmer and precipitation was down 63%.
NGF provides facility-level rounds data to Golf Datatech in helping compile the free, monthly play reports on behalf of the golf industry. Click the image below to see the full report.