Rounds of golf in August 2022 were up almost 4% compared to the same period a year ago — the third straight peak-season month of year-over-year increases.
June, July and August are among the most high-volume months for play at U.S. golf courses and the summer momentum has helped pull the industry closer to matching the record-setting pace of 2021, when more rounds were played than at any time in history. Entering September, play is 2.6% behind last year’s total, but still trends well ahead of recent, non-Covid years.
The biggest August gains were seen in the Eastern parts of the U.S., where all four geographic regions saw YOY declines in precipitation levels.
Rounds in the South Atlantic region were up 8%, buoyed by significant gains in golf-rich states like Florida (+11%) and Georgia (+13.7%). The Mid Atlantic region (New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania) saw a +7.3% rounds gain in August, while play was up over 5% in both the East North Central and the New England regions.
NGF provides facility-level rounds data to Golf Datatech in helping compile the free, monthly play reports on behalf of the golf industry. Click the image below to see the full report.