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Gain a competitive edge in your market with NGF's Market Insights Report.

Discover key insights in a 20-minute drive time of your business or facility, all conveniently summarized in a downloadable PDF.

Key Demographics

Projected Golfers

Rounds Potential

Golf Retail Supply

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What you will receive

Demographic Summary

Understand the demographics of your target market, including age,  ethnicity, income levels, and more.

Supply and Demand Indicators

Gain insights into the current supply of golf courses, facilities, and amenities, juxtaposed against the demand from the local population.

Supply-Demand Ratios

Get a clear understanding of the balance between the supply of golf facilities and the demand from potential players, enabling strategic decision-making for growth and profitability.

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Dive into your local market statistics, helping you tailor your offerings to meet the needs of your community.
