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February 2022 National Rounds Played

Click image to download PDF of full February 2022 national rounds played report


February rounds were up 13% nationwide compared to a year ago, driven by significant gains in the South and parts of the Northeast U.S. For the year, play entering March was approximately level relative to the first two months of 2021.

Like January, February is generally a low-volume month for rounds, accounting for only about 5% of the average annual total with courses in certain regions still closed. The weather has a considerable impact on play, particularly on states in the Frost Belt, and rounds in February 0f 2021 had dropped almost 5% year-over-year after the coldest February on record since 1989.

The Mid-Atlantic Region was notably affected in 2021 after getting hit by a Nor’easter early in the month. Thanks to more favorable “offseason” golf weather this February, rounds were up 107% YOY in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Perhaps even more notable in terms of overall volume of play were YOY increases of more than 20% in Texas and the rest of the South Central Region, and over 25% in the South Atlantic, which is home to golf-rich states like Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.

In February of 2020, rounds had been up 19% nationally before the pandemic hit.  




For a historical archive of monthly rounds-played reports, click here

National Rounds Played
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