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December 2019 National Rounds Played


Rounds of golf for December 2019 rose 8.3% nationally compared to a year ago, with notable increases in parts of the central regions during what’s typically the offseason for golf.

Across the U.S., rounds were up 1.5% for the year, putting the total for 2019 upwards of 440 million.

Although 2019 ranked among the wettest years in the continental U.S. since 1895, the number of rounds of golf played saw year-over-year increases in each of the final five months of 2019.

While play is limited in December in many parts of the country, states like Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska had golfers play at least 1/3 more rounds than they did the prior year. In Chicago, one of the nation’s biggest golf markets, rounds-played were up almost 117% for the final month of 2019.

There were also notable increases in the South Atlantic region, including rises of more than 69% in and around Atlanta, almost 54% in the Greensboro/Raleigh area in North Carolina, and upwards of 27% in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

National Rounds Played
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